
Rebalancing Innovation: Women, AI and Venture Capital in the UK by The Alan Turing Institute

Rebalancing Innovation: Women, AI and Venture Capital in the UK by The Alan Turing Institute

Rebalancing Innovation: Women, AI, and Venture Capital in the UK report delves into the gender diversity landscape of AI-focused venture capital in the past decade. While women have been founding more companies, access to venture capital remains challenging for female entrepreneurs, reflecting a broader issue of gender underrepresentation in AI fields.

The Women in Data Science and AI project at The Alan Turing Institute is actively addressing this issue by collaborating with policymakers and industry stakeholders. Their mission is to boost women's participation in data science and AI, ultimately promoting gender diversity and fostering innovation in the UK's venture capital and AI sectors. This endeavor goes beyond equity; it's a strategic move to enhance innovation and entrepreneurial success in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Women in Data Science and AI team included:
Prof. Judy Wajcman, the recipient of the 2018 Oxford Internet Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award and a member of the AI100 Standing Committee
Dr. Erin Young, Project Co-Lead and Research Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute
Julia de Miguel Velazquez, Research Assistant at The Alan Turing Institute

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